Wednesday, February 23, 2011

List of Rules and Consequences

Everyone should give respect to everyone.
Everyone should show love to everyone.
Peace should be presented in this society.
Everyone is to work together as one.
Children should attend school every day unless there is a reasonable excused.
There should be no fighting at all.
Everyone is to be treated equally.
Everyone is to help those who need help.
There will not be no abusing once or ever to anyone in the society.
Everyone has the right to speak up.

Reasons for each Rule
1. Rule number one was made because everyone wants respect and if you wanted to have to give respect.
2. Rule number two was created because this is a society where love is one of the main components.
3. Rule number three was implemented because Peace is the big movement that is going to be made by this society because this is the other component of the society.
4. Rule number four was implemented because everyone in this society is supposed to be united as one to make a difference.
5. Rule number five was made because all children should get an education since they are the future of this society.
6. Rule number six was made because this is a peaceful society where violence should not be.
7. Rule number seven was implemented because this society believes in equality.
8. Now rule number eight was just created because the people in this society are being helped so they have to help others because they want to have peace in the world. Also, because we want to make a change in the world.
9. Abuse is not permitted because we are a peaceful society which was created because we didn’t what to see any more of these things.
10. The last rule made was because I feel that everyone has the right to speak up and say what he or she think is wrong.

If any one is to break the rules these are the consequences they will received:
He or she will get a warning.
He or she will be assigned an extra job that he or she will have to do.
Then he or she will have a talk with all the people to find an even harder punishment that doesn’t have to do with any violence.
If this continues then they will be expelled for 10 day out of the society.

1 comment:

  1. What I think could be improved on your rules and consequences are the rules and consequences because I feel as if there isn't a variety between the rules. There could be a wide range of rules that could of been made up.
