Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Governing Body

This Society will be a democracy because the people will have a saying in every decision taken. The decision made have to go through the people so we can have a peaceful environment where the people can corporate to make a difference. Second of all, the people will get to vote for each decision that is taken so that they can have what they want for their society. The decision will not be taken without consulting the people from the society. For example let’s say we want to imply the law or rule of volition of property. First we will have to consult the people of the society if they think this should be implemented. After this we will take the decision to imply the law or rule but we will have to go through a voting sequence to make our final decision. Therefore, we are a united society where we want the best for our country.


  1. I loved how peace and love were the 2 major things in your utopia. i love how you care so much about people being loved and cared for especially children!

  2. What I'm confused about is if the decisions aren't made without consulting what the people want, if the people can't agree on what the want, who will be there to make the decision for them if the people can't? There has to be some type of person with aome authority to help make the decisions if the people can't agree.
