Thursday, February 24, 2011

Declaration of Independence

I am a tired of all this corruption that is done today. I am tired of people killing their own race, their own people. All this violence that is taking over the world where no one now cares if there own people are killed. We have to treat each other with respect and have peace at last. There are people that are leading their own children to all this corruption that is now taking over the world. People that are leading their own blood to do all this violence because every day there are more and more teenager in jail because they are constantly killing their own race or other races. People are killing each other because they seem to say that they are getting revenge for what was done to one of their family members,. This is just all a big cycle where there is no respect, no peace, no love, and no sympathy for anybody. People are afraid to come out of their own homes because of all of this.
All these people are hurting each other for something that is not even theirs because this revenge is implied to then by their own family. This is how children are born and that is why many children really don’t have chose but to take over what their parents have left. These children really don’t have chose to continue their lives in a positive way or a negative way. The children need our help, our support, someone who they can relay on like a parent. Someone who will lead them through the correct path. We really don’t know what these kids are going through and if we pay good attention to these kids we can help them come back and realize what they are missing about this wonderful. These children deserve a better life with peace and love. That peace and love that their parents didn’t give them because we all know that the most wonderful thing in this world is to receive love from our parent. We are a united society that works together to achieve our goals and what is more sufficient than offer to all these children something that we receive the weapon of peace and love to keep them all united as one as a big family. Also, by this we can stop all this violence in the world by recurring these poor innocent children that the only thing they want is love and someone that cares about them. Yes, we can do it togehter because we are united as one!

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