Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Journal Entries

February 16, 2011

It is the day that everyone is to come together and celebrate the day of our society. Everyone is so busy trying to make this celebration the best celebration ever made. There are children running from here to there and adults making everything so perfect. I can see the respect that everyone has to each other because everyone is work and not make others do more or less. It is all just the wonderful day all the people have been waiting for. Even the children are happy because they know this is the day that everyone just has fun and doesn’t have to think of the other societies. It is the day that we are not thinking of the outside world and the day we forget about work and our problem. The day we have been looking forwards the whole year.

February 21, 2011

Today is just a regular day where we go to school and adults go to work. School is just a few minutes away from our homes; it only takes like five minutes to get there. Once we get to school we have English first and then we go on to social studies. We have classes
for forty-five minutes. We go through the day by going to English, social studies, math, science, and our two extra classes. For then after we have gone to all your classes can go outside a play for a few minutes while you are waiting for your bus or your parents to come and pick you up. We go on to our homes and we do our homework and after that we just have dinner. Usually children go to sleep early during school days. It is all so silent during the night all you can hear are the small animals that are out at night.

March 19, 2011

This is the weekend when all families come out and enjoy the time with their children. Usually you see children playing with their parents such as sports or games that the children like. It is all just a day to enjoy when all the children get the attention they want. The families know each other and get a long very well and have no troubles at all because when something is wrong in between them they just solve their problems like a mature human would do it. As for back to the weekend there are many sports that all the children really like such as soccer, basketball, and many more. When someone comes to the society because they want a better life with peace and love they really enjoy the weekends because they seem to say that they had never had a time when they could dedicate a few moments to their children. That is why I think that the weekends are all full of love and magic.

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