Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Invitation to a Friend

Casey this is an invitation to invite you to join my society. I am very positive that you will like my society. I know the life that you are living and I think you would really like to have love and a peaceful society where you will be loved every day by the people in it.
The people from this society all work together and treat each other with respect something that is really not seen in many societies. Also, in this society you will enjoy every day as it was the last day. You will really love to be given to you all this love that everyone once wanted to have. Also, all that support by the people that many of our parents don’t seem to give us because they are too busy working to bring money home. I just feel that this place is where you will be great and once you come here you wouldn’t want to leave. Paz e Amor is a place where everything is possible. You can bring your family along. Also, when you find yourself all involved with the people you will not want to depart from them. You will never regret coming to the society Paz e Amor as well as you will never forget this place.

1 comment:

  1. What I dislike about this post is that I don't exactly get how the letter is trying to persuade your friend that your society is the best one to live in. It should be more informative on the things you could do, why the society is the best, how moving to this society will be the best thing to do, etc... But other than that, I felt as if it was trying to get the point across, just not fully.
