Friday, February 25, 2011

Name of Your Utopia

Paz e Amor

I decided to call my society Paz e Amor because it means Peace and love in Portuguese. My society will consist of these two components that I think many people will really like to have peace and love. Also, because I feel that many people are stepping on the wrong path because all they see is violence and no love towards them. There are also many young children now days that are not receiving the love that they expect from their parents and friends. This society will give them the love they need to continue on going in their life and feel that there is really someone who cares for them. With this love that will change anything they want to be in the future of this world. We are really hoping that when ever they have organized their life they can pass all what they have learn to their children and the children of their children.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Utopia Motto and Seal

United as One !
The meaning of my motto and seal is that we are to be get together to be able to make a difference in the world that is why my motto is United as One. My seal just means that peace and love is are the two components to make this all happen because if don’t have peace than we can’t have love. It is just all a significance of change at last.

Declaration of Independence

I am a tired of all this corruption that is done today. I am tired of people killing their own race, their own people. All this violence that is taking over the world where no one now cares if there own people are killed. We have to treat each other with respect and have peace at last. There are people that are leading their own children to all this corruption that is now taking over the world. People that are leading their own blood to do all this violence because every day there are more and more teenager in jail because they are constantly killing their own race or other races. People are killing each other because they seem to say that they are getting revenge for what was done to one of their family members,. This is just all a big cycle where there is no respect, no peace, no love, and no sympathy for anybody. People are afraid to come out of their own homes because of all of this.
All these people are hurting each other for something that is not even theirs because this revenge is implied to then by their own family. This is how children are born and that is why many children really don’t have chose but to take over what their parents have left. These children really don’t have chose to continue their lives in a positive way or a negative way. The children need our help, our support, someone who they can relay on like a parent. Someone who will lead them through the correct path. We really don’t know what these kids are going through and if we pay good attention to these kids we can help them come back and realize what they are missing about this wonderful. These children deserve a better life with peace and love. That peace and love that their parents didn’t give them because we all know that the most wonderful thing in this world is to receive love from our parent. We are a united society that works together to achieve our goals and what is more sufficient than offer to all these children something that we receive the weapon of peace and love to keep them all united as one as a big family. Also, by this we can stop all this violence in the world by recurring these poor innocent children that the only thing they want is love and someone that cares about them. Yes, we can do it togehter because we are united as one!

Utopia Animal

The animal that represents the society Paz e Amor is the Dolphin.
I selected the dolphin because I feel that this animal is a good representation of peace and love. I feel that this animal is the animal that shows a good example to all humans because of the way it acts towards us or any other animal. Also, because dolphins seem that care about what is going on and are so curious to see what humans can do for them or them to us.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

List of Rules and Consequences

Everyone should give respect to everyone.
Everyone should show love to everyone.
Peace should be presented in this society.
Everyone is to work together as one.
Children should attend school every day unless there is a reasonable excused.
There should be no fighting at all.
Everyone is to be treated equally.
Everyone is to help those who need help.
There will not be no abusing once or ever to anyone in the society.
Everyone has the right to speak up.

Reasons for each Rule
1. Rule number one was made because everyone wants respect and if you wanted to have to give respect.
2. Rule number two was created because this is a society where love is one of the main components.
3. Rule number three was implemented because Peace is the big movement that is going to be made by this society because this is the other component of the society.
4. Rule number four was implemented because everyone in this society is supposed to be united as one to make a difference.
5. Rule number five was made because all children should get an education since they are the future of this society.
6. Rule number six was made because this is a peaceful society where violence should not be.
7. Rule number seven was implemented because this society believes in equality.
8. Now rule number eight was just created because the people in this society are being helped so they have to help others because they want to have peace in the world. Also, because we want to make a change in the world.
9. Abuse is not permitted because we are a peaceful society which was created because we didn’t what to see any more of these things.
10. The last rule made was because I feel that everyone has the right to speak up and say what he or she think is wrong.

If any one is to break the rules these are the consequences they will received:
He or she will get a warning.
He or she will be assigned an extra job that he or she will have to do.
Then he or she will have a talk with all the people to find an even harder punishment that doesn’t have to do with any violence.
If this continues then they will be expelled for 10 day out of the society.

Invitation to a Friend

Casey this is an invitation to invite you to join my society. I am very positive that you will like my society. I know the life that you are living and I think you would really like to have love and a peaceful society where you will be loved every day by the people in it.
The people from this society all work together and treat each other with respect something that is really not seen in many societies. Also, in this society you will enjoy every day as it was the last day. You will really love to be given to you all this love that everyone once wanted to have. Also, all that support by the people that many of our parents don’t seem to give us because they are too busy working to bring money home. I just feel that this place is where you will be great and once you come here you wouldn’t want to leave. Paz e Amor is a place where everything is possible. You can bring your family along. Also, when you find yourself all involved with the people you will not want to depart from them. You will never regret coming to the society Paz e Amor as well as you will never forget this place.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Governing Body

This Society will be a democracy because the people will have a saying in every decision taken. The decision made have to go through the people so we can have a peaceful environment where the people can corporate to make a difference. Second of all, the people will get to vote for each decision that is taken so that they can have what they want for their society. The decision will not be taken without consulting the people from the society. For example let’s say we want to imply the law or rule of volition of property. First we will have to consult the people of the society if they think this should be implemented. After this we will take the decision to imply the law or rule but we will have to go through a voting sequence to make our final decision. Therefore, we are a united society where we want the best for our country.

Journal Entries

February 16, 2011

It is the day that everyone is to come together and celebrate the day of our society. Everyone is so busy trying to make this celebration the best celebration ever made. There are children running from here to there and adults making everything so perfect. I can see the respect that everyone has to each other because everyone is work and not make others do more or less. It is all just the wonderful day all the people have been waiting for. Even the children are happy because they know this is the day that everyone just has fun and doesn’t have to think of the other societies. It is the day that we are not thinking of the outside world and the day we forget about work and our problem. The day we have been looking forwards the whole year.

February 21, 2011

Today is just a regular day where we go to school and adults go to work. School is just a few minutes away from our homes; it only takes like five minutes to get there. Once we get to school we have English first and then we go on to social studies. We have classes
for forty-five minutes. We go through the day by going to English, social studies, math, science, and our two extra classes. For then after we have gone to all your classes can go outside a play for a few minutes while you are waiting for your bus or your parents to come and pick you up. We go on to our homes and we do our homework and after that we just have dinner. Usually children go to sleep early during school days. It is all so silent during the night all you can hear are the small animals that are out at night.

March 19, 2011

This is the weekend when all families come out and enjoy the time with their children. Usually you see children playing with their parents such as sports or games that the children like. It is all just a day to enjoy when all the children get the attention they want. The families know each other and get a long very well and have no troubles at all because when something is wrong in between them they just solve their problems like a mature human would do it. As for back to the weekend there are many sports that all the children really like such as soccer, basketball, and many more. When someone comes to the society because they want a better life with peace and love they really enjoy the weekends because they seem to say that they had never had a time when they could dedicate a few moments to their children. That is why I think that the weekends are all full of love and magic.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Daily Itinerary

In the morning like any other day adults will go to work and children to school. The mothers will stay home and take care of their young children that don’t attend school yet. After work and school the people will come home and enjoy their families or just take time to do other things like homework for children that go to school. Around 6:00 pm everybody will get together and eat dinner as one big family. As for the weekend the family just to enjoy themselves going to the park and playing with their children because in this society the weekends are design to spend time with the family and no one is to work during the weekends.

Friday, February 18, 2011


If you have been looking for peace and love than the Society Paz e Amor is the right place for you!